Tuesday, September 14, 2010


I had to go to the P.O. to mail 3 packages for Frank. I meant to stop by the pharmacy but forgot but went to Walmart instead. I saw Roy and Vivian, old friends and the Bishop. I wanted a new purse and I wanted it NOW. I walked around that big store and finally found someone who knew where the purses were. They didn't have as large selection like they used to, but I found one on sale for $12.00. It's basically light brown with some darker squigglys on it. It will suit my needs. I was going to wait until I was at Kohl's and get a really nice one but then I realized I bought purses frequently and there was no use in sinking double the money in a purse I might get tired of by Christmas.

Last night Sophrona brought by a home-made apple pie she made with the apples we gave her. It was made with whole wheat and sweetened with apple juice (I think). It was very yummy and Frank will eat the rest of it tonight! That was so sweet of her. I think by then, she had put the pears up and made apple pie filling. It would be nice to be 30 years old again! Plus she's pregnant with her 5th child! A Saint, for sure!

I go to exercise tomorrow and then I'll stop by the pharmacy to finish my errands.

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