Saturday, September 11, 2010

It's Saturday Again

The weeks seem to fly by and it's Saturday again. I washed 3 loads of clothes and some sheets. I had a bunch of towels to do but they can always wait, and wait, and wait.

Dad's had a bad day on one of his good days but he's been moving and doing things all day. I saw the big vacuum out but decided I didn't want to do it and he did it himself. I practiced the piano today as I was washing the clothes. Yes, I'm very talented in doing two things at once....

Frankie called and said Luke had found the check he thought he had lost and we told him we had gotten the picture I bought from Luke. Dad had it up over his chair the next day. It's a picture of a white bird flying up with the sunset and waters edge in the back ground. It looks very nice.

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