Wednesday, January 30, 2013

It's Been A While

It's been about 2 weeks since I've blogged. In the evening, I'm usually too tired to sit down and write. I'm doing better. I still have to have pain meds every 4 hours. I'm putting a lot of weight on my right leg and it doesn't hurt most of the time. I usually don't get dressed but wear one of my muumuus. The day the men were here to build the ramp, Saturday, I got dressed. It took them about 4 hours to build it and it is really a nice ramp. It will come in handy for both Frank and me.

Trudy will be coming here twice a week and spending the night. Monday-Tuesday and Thursday and Friday. That will give her enough time to be with her family and help us out out too. I'm not ready to cook yet. I was going to try to make Taco soup today but Mary Kate reminded me that I had to get the cans of things out and open them up and I'm not physically ready to do that just yet. The food the Relief Society brought really helped out. We are still eating the left overs from them.

We've had really warm weather lately and last night there were storms but they passed us by. Some Southern states had tornado damage but we were spared.

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