Monday, March 3, 2014

Winter Weather Again

It was back in the 20's after a nice warm week-end. I didn't go to exercise. I guess I was too lazy.

Frank and I went to town to Staples for some things. The over to Lowe's. I forgot the paper with the water filter on it, so we just got a smoke detector and a toilet seat. Frank fell on the toilet seat the other day and bent the rod that holds the seat in place. It still works but he wanted a new one. His mind is shutting down some more. He even realizes it. We saw Martin in Staples and Frank asked about the shelves he was going to do for us. Frank wants a small shelf put in his bathroom plus the 3 shelves on the wall.

I drank a medium Coke for some energy and when I came home I washed two loads of clothes and practiced the piano. I didn't practice at all last week and I could tell at choir practice that I had not practiced. I enjoyed it today. If I could just discipline myself to practice each day, it would be good.

I paid 4 bills tonight. Not all of the bills have come in. Maybe it was because February was short a couple of days. Doing it online surely takes the effort out of bill paying.

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