Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Bad Days

Trudy came yesterday and spent the night. She cleaned Dad's room and it looks better. Mary Kate is coming back to help set up help for me and Dad. He can't walk and can't get out of bed. It seems like last week he was going with me to the Drs and now he can't walk. I have to bathe him and do everything for him. Mary Kate is looking for agencies that might could help us and take the load off of Trudy. I can't lift him and neither can Trudy with her bad back. I don't think it's time for a nursing home. We can't afford a nursing home. They will take the house if he has to go into a nursing home. But he has to have care. Mary Kate and Trudy have been a life saver for me. Moral support mostly.

1 comment:

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