Tuesday, June 5, 2012


I had planned to go into town today, but I went back to bed and wasted the morning. I don't like to go out to run errands after lunch so I just stayed home.

I wrote about music in My Life Story yesterday and about schools today. I got three typed pages each. If I write one page a day, that's 365 in a year. That's like my blog. My blog is mostly a daily diary and not much about past things.

Mary Kate and Sophia had a good trip to NYC. Sophia left her Kindle on the plane and they have contacted the necessary sources and filled out paper work and hopefully, if there are any honest people left in the world, she will get it back. What a hard lesson to learn.

Trudy went to Knoxville to see Frankie for the week-end. I haven't talked to her about her trip to see how every one is doing.

I need to make an appointment to take the birds to Hartselle to the Vet. Nails and some wings are long. We can't cut Girt's wings because he won't let us handle him. I hate to throw a towel on him because he always tries to fly and he can't and he lands hard on the floor. After breaking his leg once, I couldn't go through another event like that.

I've been reading the Ensign lately and it surely give me a spiritual lift.

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