Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Frank got all of the birds out of their cages and we shut the door of Gertie's cage so he couldn't go back in. Frank had a white towel to get him with and he went to the floor and went under the cages. He came out on the side where I was and I put my finger down and he got on it and I carried him to my room where the carriers were and put him in.

The trip to Hartselle was uneventful. All the birds got trimmed and Rikki got an x-ray done. It showed the tumor on her liver was getting larger. Her appetite is still good and she had gained a little weight. As the tumor grows it will push on her spine and will make moving around harder for her for she will be out of breath. Dr Jan said that she (Rikki) will let us know when she is ready to go. I got  a bit upset which surprised me but I still really haven't finished the grieving process for Belle and she's been gone several years, now. I resist grieving and I hate to think what will happen to me when Frank dies. There are 5 steps of grieving and one doesn't necessarily go through them in order but one must get through them.

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