Wednesday, August 14, 2013


We went to see Dr Walker mid-morning. It's quite an ordeal to get Frank out the door and into the car. He walks slowly down the ramp and gets into the car and then I have to fold up the rollator and put it in the trunk. Then repeat all those steps after we get to where we're going. He had to have blood work done and the place next door to the Dr's office was out to lunch, so we had to go to the hospital. I had to stop and get the rollator out and then go find a parking place and repeat all those steps after we were through. I'm not really complaining, it just is an ordeal when we have to go anywhere. One good thing was that we got a Whopper after that. I got a Jr Whopper. It had been 6 1/2 hours since I had eaten and the Jr Whopper wasn't enough. I didn't get a regular Whopper because I didn't want to eat a whole day's calories in one meal but I stayed hungry all the rest of the afternoon and even after supper. It doesn't pay to get that hungry. I feel like I've gained more weight so I'll have to get on the scale tomorrow and see.

My new recliner is being delivered tomorrow! I will get up and get dressed and made up and if they don't come in the AM I will be ready to town for a few things. I hope Trudy and George can come over after her Dr appointment and get the old chair. That would be perfect, otherwise we will have a crowed living room.

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