Friday, May 25, 2012


Frankie emailed and said the Kayla had received a $125.00 scholarship to a piano camp she was wanting to go to this summer. THAT'S GREAT! SHE WILL REALLY LEARN AT THE CAMP. I hit the caps lock and I don't want to go back and write that again. I never went to a piano camp but I did go to band camp in Tuscaloosa, AL for several summers. It was fun.

I just finished lesson 4 in my writing class. I'm supposed to write character sketches of the supporting characters in my life story. I'll try to do this. Since I will be writing essays on each person or situation, I don't know how this will help but it might.

I got up at 6 AM this morning to water my tomatoes and flowers. It didn't take long and then I showered and washed my hair and got ready for the rest of the day. I went to exercise and Curves. I thought about a nap this afternoon but I was cooking a pot of beans and I tend to nap while the beans burn. I got on the computer instead. Time passes quickly when I'm on the computer and the beans almost burned!

Writing a blog most every day should help me writing my essays about the events of my life.

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