Saturday, April 14, 2012


I had a good time at the neighborhood breakfast. Several of the neighbors weren't there but what there was, had a good time. Tim and Eva picked up my ticket which was under ten dollars and that was nice of them.

Got home and found Frank asleep on his TV bed. He hadn't eaten breakfast nor had he taken his medicine. I fixed him French toast and watched him take his pills. I guess I'll have to watch him each morning and make sure he takes his meds before I do anything else. He went back to bed and I lay down and took a small rest.

This evening after supper, we worked on what we both could do on the taxes. Now, he just has to put all the information on the forms and it will be ready to mail.

Mary Kate and family are getting a little Yorkie puppy soon. I hope Obie will accept her and not play too rough.

George picked up Sadie in B'ham after a week at Mary Kate's and on their way home, they bought some baby chicks. Now I think they have 10 chickens in all. Trudy gave me a dozen eggs to bring home. I've been drinking my meals while my gum heals and I use an egg a meal. Blended up, I can't taste the egg, and I don't get hungry between meals. I'll see Dr Gussey this Wednesday at 2 PM and hopefully the gums will be healed enough to wear my denture all the time.

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