Monday, March 5, 2012

Usual Things

We had 12 at exercise today or 12 people were doing the exercises. It was a good class. The weather was in the 50's and all I needed was a light jacket. It was nice.

I went to Curves after exercise. Pam had her broom standing all by itself. I came home and tried two of my brooms and couldn't get them to stand by themselves! My mojo must not be working...

Frank had the small vacuum out and was attacking some dust in his room today. He's got too much stuff in his room and it always looks like a tornado has hit it. We did have some tornadoes hit last Friday. They missed us and we didn't have any of the bad weather. But it's already started tornado season and it's frightening to think about what's ahead of us. Especially not having a winter and it's March 5 today. Although, it has snowed in April before. We may yet get some bad winter weather.

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