Monday, February 27, 2012

Pruning Done

Had a nice exercise day today. Had about 10 people and there wasn't a lot of noise while we were having our class. Went to Curves afterwards. Got there at 9:30 AM and there were 4 people there. I like it better when there are other people so I'm not the only one.

I had to get more bananas so I stopped at Walmart. Of course I bought more than bananas but it was stuff we could add to the other food. I got a roasted chicken and I had that for lunch. A bowl of cereal and a banana doesn't last until about 11 AM and then I get really hungry. I bought a real chicken which I will roast in the oven. I think I have one of those plastic sacks that you put a turkey in and I'll use it. The chicken should be nice and moist in it.

It was 70 degrees today and after Ann and I went VT, I pruned the three butterfly bushes and carried the prunings to the burn pile. Bobby had already burned the pile from last year for us and I need to go around the yard and pick up branches and take them to the burn pile. I hope to burn the trimmings before they get too large for me to do it by myself. I trimmed the Japanese Maple that's right outside the door. I cut away a lot of small branches and ingrowing branches. Don't really know how to trim one but I sort of shaped it up and got all of the low growing branches off. I need to rake the yard next to the house and poison the fire ants that have taken up residence in the dead roots of a butterfly bush out front. It's supposed to rain tomorrow and possible thunder storms in the evening. Ann and I have a VT appointment with a new sister tomorrow at 5 PM and then will hopefully get to see another sister who works, then we'll be 100% for February.

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