Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Good Day Again

I already had a "Good Day" so I added, "Again". We had a nice trip to H'ville today. The vintage Honda is running well. Some part under the front end of the car has fallen down, so Dad is going to try and fix it. It's just a plastic shield that protects the engine from rocks, etc. Aren't I so erudite?

We did stop by Sam's and I got the food bars. We ate Wendy's hamburgers for lunch. Stopped by the pharmacy for an Rx and then came home. I vegged out on the couch until 4:00 PM.

I looked out the kitchen window and saw Shane, Brenda's grandson, on his bike, in our driveway. I went out to see what he needed and he said his older brother had locked him out of the trailer and was beating up on him. His mother has to work and the boys were alone. His grandparents weren't home either, so I said I would come and talk to Dage. Come to find out, that Shane had started it by locking Dage out of the trailer when he was playing basketball! So the real story came out. I don't doubt they were rough housing but hopefully things worked out.

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