Monday, July 5, 2010

Monday Schedule

I woke up before 7 AM but refused to get up! It's too early to get up before 7:00 AM. I went out to pick some blueberries and they were still in the shade of the trees. Nice picking weather. I didn't get the large collender full. The berries need too stay on the bushes longer and get more sugar in them. Frank finally came out to help but I was already through. We knocked some pears off the trees so the limbs wouldn't break and then went in the house. The dew was still on the grass and we tracked grass clippings into the house. We also filled up the bird bath and saw a baby bird on the ground. It was trying to fly, but wasn't making it. When it saw us, it stayed very still and didn't move until we were gone. Maybe the mother bird was watching and coaching it how to get to safety.

I'm about to go off my diet. I still have some food left; the stuff I didn't want to eat when I had a choice. I had lost 7.6 lbs but I weighted this morning and it was back to 6 lbs. Now the challenge is to not go back to my old habits and gain the weight back. Kathy was right when she said we have to take thought about getting older (actually what she said was very insightful, but I can't quote it now...) Since I know I'll not be exercising more, I'll have to watch what and how much I eat. HOW BORING!

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