Friday, February 19, 2010


I went to exercise class. The room wasn't set up like usual because they had been working on the Poke Salet Revival but we all had a seat and exercised any way. Afterwards I went to Walmart for a few things. They had to be few for my grocery money was on the slim side.

I had put a pan of beans on to cook and then lay down for a while. I didn't make it this time-getting up before the beans cooked dry- and the entire pot was burned! We had to air the house out for the smell of the burned beans was everywhere. Now I'll have to get a new pot to cook beans in.

I didn't walk down the road today since I has walked all over Walmart, but I will tomorrow. The weather has been up in the 50's. I still needed a wrap but it hasn't been so cold for a couple of days.

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