Thursday, January 14, 2010

No Title

Cooked lunch or made tuna fish sandwiches which were good. Then cooked a rotini salad with turkey breast meat in it instead of chicken, because that's what Sam's had this trip. Got the garbage out and changed the bird cages.

Frank has a VA paper to write. Every 2-3 years they require him to verify that he is still sick and disabled. He's done this before but it takes time and effort and it takes him a while to get it done. That's why I helped out with the birds. Usually he likes to do it.

Tomorrow, I'll have to pack for going to Mary Kate's house. I'll need Church clothes and the clothes I wear down there and make-up. Won't need to have a very big bag. Trudy and George will be at my house by 7 AM she said. I bet they won't make it at that time, but I will be ready!

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