Monday, October 27, 2008

Saw Dr. Morgan

Conference was good Sunday too. I was just too tired to blog when I got home.

We saw Dr Morgan today. Dad's prostrate cancer is moderately aggressive. He'll get a bone scan and a CT scan to see if it has spread. I don't think it has. Dr. Morgan has a sense of humor, which is good. We go back to see him Nov 10. Are you supposed to leave out periods like after "Dr"? Sometimes I use periods and Dad says not too.

I wonder how long Dad will have to recover from the operation...The Dr's use a robot guided by the Dr's hands, and from what I've read, they make four small slits in his belly for the cameras to see in and I guess they'd have to make a small slit somewhere to get the prostate out. Maybe I can watch the, I'm too short to see the action!

It was cold (50'60's) and windy today. I'm not ready for it to get that cold so soon. I can't wait for Dad to get better so I can have my knee replaced! I'm so tired of not being able to walk straight. I'm still thankful I can walk but I'm getting impatient!

1 comment:

TheVillamorFamily said...

lots to think about today! I can feel the anxiety building about all of this but the Lord will be with us for sure.

He will be still recovering when we are all there for Thanksgiving!

I don't like the word "moderately aggressive" we were all thinking it was "small and slow growing" least that sounded better! to just teasing! off to read and sleep!