Sunday, September 21, 2008

Sunday Night

Church was good today. I was nervous while playing the songs. My fingers must have been sweating for the keys felt damp. I was trained not to make mistakes and I get disappointed in myself when I make them. I also forgot my reading glasses which makes the notes easier to read. Maybe I'll get another pair of reading/piano playing glasses to carry in my purse all the time.

I missed blogging because I was having a worrying-pity party. I literally do nothing except for getting out three times a week for exercise class, which isn't much exercise for me, and then come home, do what chores I have and then just sit around. Being a caretaker is hard in a way. This week, after the Senior Ctr. exercises, I'm going walking on the Wellness Ctr. track. I even have my red hiking poles by the door so I won't forget them. I drive right by the place on my way home so I can stop and walk around. The only thing that might mess me up is the pain in my knees. The poles will help that. I'll just have to grit my teeth and walk anyway. I'll take a water bottle and some pills with me, just in case I need some extra courage!

Wed., I have a visit with Dr.Shergy for a bone scan and then a visit with him. I hope my osteoporosis is better. I'll tell him about the increased pain in my knees and maybe he'll give me stronger meds. I couldn't have a knee replacement until Dad sees Dr. Morgan for a prostate biopsy and Dr. Mallette to check all the moles and spots on his back from all the sun damage. If he survives those visits and my knees are still hurting, I say OFF WITH THE KNEE! It's easy to say, but I've heard the pain is pretty bad in recovery. Pain is not our friend!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

The Walker Family said...

You probably did great at the piano mom. You playing the piano is like riding a b ike. Once you know how, you'll never forget! I would love to have nothing to do but exercise 3 times a week. MOm, enjoy your golden days. You have had a great life and still do. Stop having pitty parties without inviting your friends to join you! I was just over Saturday and you looked like you were on top of the world, except watching me for two hours while I was in the thrift store! I LOVE thrift stores! Oh, I looked fabulous in my new church clothes! I love you! TJ