Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Weary Wednesday

It's 4:00 PM and I'm tired. The trip to H"ville went well, except the Dr. had been called to the hospital early this morning, so he was an hour behind (speaking of behinds....)so waiting was hard. But we got through and ate at Slotskey's (my spelling). It wasn't as good as we remembered so we won't be eating there again. The trip behind-ha-ha-ha-home was uneventful. We stopped by the pharmacy and got the Rx's and then came home. I'm just now unwinding from 9:00 AM.

I got permission to do the Sharing Time on a lesson I have already taught. That way I won't have to prepare two different lessons at the same time. Now I'm going to rest!


the Villamor's said...

Hope you don't get *behind* ha-ha-ha-ha on your housework by staying in H'ville all day! :)

The Walker Family said...

do you come to huntsville to get out of doing your chores? hehee. All of the fun places to eat seem not to have the same flavor we used to enjoy.....