Sunday, February 10, 2008


I called my ride this morning saying I wasn't going to church-my legs and feet hurt-but then I thought of people who really hurt and still go to their meetings, and I called Bro. Decker back and said I'd be going after all. I don't know if it did any good or not because I felt like I was just going through the motions. Sort of clock watching. I had a Relief Society teacher meeting after church. Shelly Merrill taught and it was a good meeting, but it had been more than 4 hrs. since I ate breakfast so you know what I was thinking about! I came home and made a couple of cards but the creative juices weren't flowing so I stopped.

Dad is in the living room singing to the birds while he changes their cages. He wants to give them showers after that. I'm just having an off day.

1 comment:

The Walker Family said...

I'm glad that you pushed on and went to church! Endure to the end!